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cirs and effect on relationships, sex and intimacy

CIRS Impact On Intimacy, Sex and Relationships

In Video 4, we dive into a deeply personal and often unspoken aspect of living with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS): the impact it has on your thoughts and fears regarding intimacy and love. We understand that these feelings can be isolating, leaving you with a sense of loneliness, insecurity, and a loss of self-worth. We're here to provide you with valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate these challenging emotions.

In Video 4, we put a voice to the feelings so many CIRS patients have said they felt but were afraid to say things about sex, relationships and intimacy. Things like..

“I am no longer sexually desirable to my partner.”


“We have lost our magic, our spark. I guess this is what it feels like when people grow apart.”


“We argue so much now I can’t be sexually interested in my partner.”


“I said some hurtful things out of stress and my partner is losing interest in me sexually now.”


“I feel ugly or unattractive. I am no longer what I once was when I liked how I looked more.”


“I can’t perform sexually like I could. My body just doesn’t seem to care about sex.”


“I know I love my partner, but I can’t seem to feel love or the warm fuzzies and attraction anymore. I feel distant from them and blank. Yet, I know intellectually I love them. Why can’t I feel it like I used to feel it?”


“I feel insecure about whether my partner is still attracted to me physically and sexually.”

Here's a glimpse of what you can expect in this video:

1. Validating Your Emotions: In Video 4, we acknowledge and validate the thoughts and fears that many CIRS patients experience but may be hesitant to express. It's common to have thoughts like, "I am no longer sexually desirable to my partner," or "We've lost the spark in our relationship." We help you and your partner better understand that these feelings can be a result of the biochemical impact of CIRS on hormones, metabolism, and brain function.


2. Understanding the Partner's Struggles: We also shed light on the struggles that your partner may be facing. It's essential to recognize that they might be just as confused and uncertain about what is happening. To them, it can appear as personal disinterest or a failing relationship. By understanding both sides of the equation, we aim to bridge the gap between you and your partner's experiences.


3. Breaking the Cycle: The cycle of insecurity, misunderstanding, and emotional distance can be vicious, and its consequences can be long-lasting if left unaddressed. In this video, we provide strategies for effective communication and help you identify the CIRS dynamics at play in your personal life. We believe that with the right knowledge and tools, you and your partner can break free from this cycle and rebuild a deeper connection.

We want you to know that your feelings of insecurity and undesirability are completely real, even if your partner may not be experiencing the same emotions. CIRS can profoundly affect your biochemistry, leading to these challenging thoughts and fears.

By subscribing to this video, you are taking a significant step toward understanding and addressing these complex emotions. Together, we can work towards finding ways to reconnect with your partner and rebuild a more fulfilling and intimate relationship. Don't let these challenges define your love and intimacy.

Our SERVICES OFFERED are not just remedies but gateways to a rejuvenated life.


• How CIRS can change libido and perceived sexual attraction.


• How CIRS can change the ability to feel emotions of closeness, love, connection, empathy.


• How CIRS can change information processing of the brain that impacts what a person hears in a conflict or conversation.


• How CIRS can change emotions that escalate conflict into potentially harmful statements or even behaviors that can damage or ruin relationships permanently.


• How CIRS can create insecurities in the patient and their partner that maybe the relationship is the problem when it is more the disease than the relationship itself.


• What statements do these practitioners make to their patients about preserving relationships during CIRS treatment?

To schedule your 15 minute complimentary consult please contact us when you have watched videos 1, 7, 8, and 16.


If you would like to set up a complimentary consultation, you can enroll in the TRUTH & TRUST ALL ACCESS program here to watch the required videos. Please contact the EBHC clinic when you have viewed videos:

Video 1: Has Mold and CIRS Medicine Changed From 1.0 To 2.0? 

Video 2Why Does An Otherwise Energetic Person Lose Their Energy?

Video 3: My Family Says I’m Crazy

Video 4: CIRS Impact On Intimacy, Sex, and Relationships

Video 5: When Should Someone Consider Mold or Biotoxins as an Underlying Health Problem?

Video 6: What Is Happening To The Brain Of A CIRS Patient?

Video 7: How To Choose A Good Mold Doctor Part 1

Video 8: How To Choose A Mold Doctor Part 2

Video 9: Genetic Susceptibility vs. Non-Susceptibility

Video 10: Is There A Relationship Between CIRS and Autism?

Video 11: The Personal CIRS Journeys of Dr. Heyman and Dr. Michelle

Video 12: Restoring Health and the Reliability of CIRS Treatment

Video 13: Do Pets Complicate CIRS Exposure Or Treatment?

Video 14: Do You Have To Leave Your Home?

Video 15: Mast Cell Activation, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, And CIRS

Video 16: Mold and Money – Understanding The Cost of Mold/CIRS Treatment


If you would like to schedule your consultation without first viewing the videos, you can schedule your consultation by any of the following:


Call the EBHC office at 972.378-0120


For a 15 minute FREE consultation complete the online request form by clicking here.

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